
"I hope we can expand each other’s worlds by sharing and learning about our different cultures."

Why did you become a Japanese teacher?

The reason I became a Japanese language teacher is because I really wanted to experience different cultures through my work. Many things that Japanese people take for granted are surprising to people who grew up in other countries and cultures. I hope we can expand each other’s worlds by sharing and learning about our different cultures.

What do you like about teaching Japanese?

I am so glad to see the moment when learners are able to express what they want to say in Japanese. The students who study Japanese often have a much broader knowledge of the world's culture than I do. Sharing things about each other's culture and exchanging opinions about them has been a very enriching experience for both of us. I hope to continue sharing those moments with my students.

How are your lessons?

In my lessons, I emphasize listening to my learners. Whether you are a good listener, a good speaker, or a good reader, each of us has different strengths and weaknesses in language learning. Because my lessons are given in small groups, I am flexible with helping each learner develop their unique strengths and overcome their weaknesses.

What are your hobbies?

I have many hobbies. When I am at home, I read novels/manga and watch anime. Most of the places I go out are museums, temples and shrines. I also collect red seals. I sometimes do tea ceremony and pottery, which were club activities in high school and college. In winter, I relax at a hot spring in an area where it snows.

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