Japanese With Friends Podcast Cover

Want to explore career options outside of teaching English?

Tune into the Japanese With Friends Podcast to hear from real professionals, CEOs, consultants, and experts who've worked or built one or several successful businesses in Japan. 

Japan Switch - Tyson

Tyson Batino

Tyson is the director and a co-founder of Japan Switch and One Coin English. He has spent 15 years in Japan and achieved N1 in just 3.5 years. Listen in as he shares his tips to becoming successful.

Colten Japan switch podcast host

Colten Nahrebesk

Colten is the owner of Risu Press. He spent 6 years working in various industries in Japan and achieved N2. Tune in to hear more about his experiences and advice for living in Japan.

Japanese With Friends Podcast Cover

Want to explore career options outside of teaching English?

Break free from the teaching trap! Tune into the Japanese With Friends Podcast to hear from real professionals, CEOs, consultants, and experts on honing .  

Japanese With Friends Podcast Cover

Want to explore career options outside of teaching English?

Break free from the teaching trap! Tune into the Japanese With Friends Podcast to hear from real professionals, CEOs, consultants, and experts on honing .  

girl listening to japan podcast

Want to explore career options outside of teaching English?

Break free from the teaching trap! Tune into the Japanese With Friends Podcast to hear from real professionals, CEOs, consultants, and experts on working in Japan.  

Japanese With Friends Podcast Cover

Want to explore career options outside of teaching English?

Break free from the teaching trap! Tune into the Japanese With Friends Podcast to hear from real professionals, CEOs, consultants, and experts on honing .  

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