
Kobayashi Sensei

Shinjuku Japanese Teacher

Branch: Shinjuku Language School
Lessons: Group and Private Lessons

"I believe, as a Japanese language teacher, I can support my students by providing a gateway to understanding the language."

Why did you become a Japanese teacher?

In my twenties, I traveled solo and studied languages abroad. In my thirties and forties, work took me to various countries in Asia, Africa, and Europe. The diverse cultures, lifestyles, and different perspectives I encountered enriched my life immensely. I wondered how I could give back while staying in Japan, and the answer was to become a Japanese language teacher. As a teacher, I can use my experiences to help foreigners who come to Japan so they don't struggle or have unpleasant experiences due to language or cultural differences. I believe, as a Japanese language teacher, I can support my students by providing a gateway to understanding the language. I would be delighted to help make their lives and stays in Japan happier.

What do you like about teaching Japanese?

I love seeing my students' faces light up with laughter when they use newly learned vocabulary and phrases to make jokes. It makes me happy to see them truly embracing the Japanese language as their own. Japanese is a complex, yet fascinating and profound language, even for native speakers. Sometimes, my students help me see aspects of the language I hadn't noticed before. At our school, students from various countries view and experience Japan from their unique perspectives, making it enjoyable and fulfilling to share the fun of learning Japanese with them every day.

How are your lessons?

Since everyone has different goals and desires, I regularly review and confirm these with my students, not just at the beginning but periodically. If necessary, we take time to review and reinforce previous lessons. Having struggled with French and Spanish myself, and having faced challenges mastering English, I empathize with the learning process. I aim to create enjoyable and meaningful lessons for both my students and me. Let's create fun and engaging lessons together!

What are your hobbies?

I used to enjoy yoga, jogging along the river, traveling, and exploring food and drink spots. Since moving from Tokyo to Kanagawa, I've become passionate about walking in the forest and gardening. Although pulling weeds from my large garden is tough, I'm now taking on the challenge of growing vegetables.

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