
Nakajima Sensei

Shinjuku Japanese Teacher

Branch: Shinjuku Language School
Lessons: Group and Private Lessons

"Students' questions always inspire me to rethink the was of teaching and even the Japanese culture behind the language!"

Why did you become a Japanese teacher?

I was working in a multinational firm where I was responsible for crop production. I found it extremely exciting when mutual understanding could be reached among people of different backgrounds and nationalities. I had begun to think someday after retirement it would be great if I could be the one to foster communication between people of different cultures and backgrounds. I also realized that I was having an interest in language teaching skills.

That’s why I stepped forward and became an online Japanese language teacher at Japan Switch.

What do you like about teaching Japanese?

I like the moments when the student can share her/his thoughts, needs, ideas, and experiences.
Students' questions always inspire me. Especially unexpected ones give me the inspiration to rethink the way of teaching and even the Japanese culture behind the languages!

How are your lessons?

Each student has different goals and study styles regarding Japanese language learning. I saw many different types of students like “one wanted to be able to survive in Japan” “ one to be able to communicate in business” and “one wanted to communicate with friends in share house”

I strive to accommodate our Japanese language students' individual needs.

What are your hobbies?

Playing the drums! My band usually has live performances 5 times a year playing like Carol King, Linda Ronstadt, and Stevie Nicks.

It was so sad that we weren't able to perform due to Covid 19. I love traveling to explore towns, architecture, foods, drinks, and music.

Before the pandemic I traveled to Berlin 4 times, Taipei 2 times, Hanoi, Singapore, Italy, Seattle, Portland and Akita, Hiroshima, and Okinawa in 5 years.

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