
"I would like you to enjoy speaking Japanese and help you become more comfortable with using the language."

Why did you become a Japanese teacher?

I used to teach Japanese as a volunteer at my local community center in Tokyo. I decided to become a Japanese teacher because I wanted to interact with foreigners and I wanted to do a position where I could be of service to other people.I enjoyed my volunteer experience and I decided to take my teaching to the next level. I enrolled into a Japanese teacher program because if I’m going to do teaching, I want to do it properly.

Another reason I became a Japanese language teacher is because I understand the joy of learning a language. When I was volunteering at a community center in Tokyo, I began to study Chinese and Korean to help communicate with foreigners. I felt very happy when I was able to communicate even with a single word.

What do you like about teaching Japanese?

I like collaborating and meeting with people who have the same interests or goals. I would like to help foreigners who have the goal of learning Japanese and about Japanese culture. I would like you to enjoy speaking Japanese and help you become more comfortable with using the language.

I understand that learning a language to be a very long journey, but I love seeing my students accumulate a long list of small "I did it!" moments. Because every day is a challenge, many small wins lead to confidence and motivation and even big wins in the future. I want to be a part of that.

How are your lessons?

I think that by practicing phrases with emotion and really imagining yourself in a scene, you can emulate the actual feelings and thoughts of the actual scene. I would like to provide this safe practice environment in the classroom where we can practice Japanese together before you go out and use it in Tokyo.

I also want my students to tell me about themselves in Japanese. I can listen to what they say but more importantly what they want to say but are unable to. We can then turn it into a phrase that suits your life and get you to use it again and again so you can express yourself better. I can teach ready-to-use Japanese expressions for your everyday life.

What are your hobbies?

I used to do sky sports every weekend. If you are curious what this means please ask! As a student, I liked Japanese manga and anime. I am addicted to American comic films now.

I like pottery. I buy and collect my favorites little by little in the pottery market and use them daily. I'm also addicted to domestic and foreign analog board games. Rather than winning or losing, I like to play games while chatting with each other.

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