
Our Policies in Accordance

Specific Commercial Transactions Act 特定商取引に関する表記

Japan Switch is a Japanese Language school in Tokyo serving the foreign community that provides affordable Japanese lessons and an easy to join structure. We are also now providing online Japanese lessons as of 2020.

  • Company Name 会社名

    K.K One Coin English


  • Representing Director 運営責任者

    Kojima Yuuki


  • Address 住所

    5 Chome 3-23 Koujimachi, Chiyoda, Tokyo 102-0083 - 8th Floor

    〒102-0083 東京都千代田区麹町5-3-23 日テレ四谷ビル8F

  • Email Address

    • Shinjuku[@]japanswitch.com
    • gotanda[@]japanswitch.com - Online Branch
    • ueno[@]japanswitch.com
    • Kichijoji[@]japanswitch.com

  • Prices 販売価格

    Lesson Prices are 3300 yen + tax.

    Monthly costs range from 9900 yen - 16600 yen monthly for someone taking one lesson per week. You are not charged for days where the school is closed. You are charged for days where the school is open.

  • Payment Method 支払方法

    Payments are made by Debit or Credit Card

    ※ Please note we do not accept Mizuho Debit Cards


  • Bank Account

    Rakuten Bank   Dainieigyo Branch   Savings Account 7789020

    Company Name : 株式会社 ワンコイングリッシュ 日本語学校

  • 銀行口座

    楽天銀行  第二営業支店  普通口座 7789020

    株式会社 ワンコイングリッシュ 日本語学校

  • Payment Due Date 支払期限

    Credit and Debit Card deductions are made on the 27th of every month by the financial institutions.

    ※ The credit card billing date may vary depending on the credit card company.


    ※ クレジットカード決済の場合には、ご請求日はカード会社により異なります。

  • Costs outside of normal fees 代金以外の料金その他お客様の負担
    • In the case of bank transfers, you would have to bear the wire transfer costs.
    • You will have to pay 2090 yen (tax included) or 3300 yen (tax included) for the textbooks. The cost depends on course.
    • Internet fees

    ・教材費 2090円(税込み)又は3300円(税込み)※コースによります

  • Period of Service サービスの提供時期

    Credit and Debit Cards : You are able to use our service after the payment through the aforementioned means has been confirmed.


  • Return Policy 返品特約

    We do not accept returns nor give refunds.


    Regarding textbooks, we will exchange books that have missing pages or incorrect binding. Please contact us at the email addresses above.


  • Contract Termination Policy 退会方法

    Customers may terminate the contract from the following month by completing a contract termination form in person or online form by the 15th of the previous month.


  • Credit Card Information クレジットカード情報取扱い

    We do not store customer credit card information


  • Software Usage

    An internet connection and a computer, smartphone, tablet, or other device is required for taking our online Japanese lessons through the platform Zoom.


    ※ For more information on how to use zoom for your Japanese lessons - check out page on Zoom Japanese Lessons

  • Phone Number 電話番号

    Please note that the staff for One Coin English do not know the Japan Switch system. Contact us by email

    • shinjuku@japanswitch.com
    • gotanda@japanswitch.com [online branch]
    • ueno@japanswitch.com
    • kichijoji@japanswitch.com