
"We can learn by making mistakes. Just speak Japanese. Please take your time. I’d be happy to give you advice and make practical phrases with you."

Why did you become a Japanese teacher?

I’m involved in volunteering to support international students learning to speak Japanese at my old university. They’re so passionate and enthusiastic about studying Japanese, and I feel happy that they’re interested in Japan and try to understand Japanese culture. I teach them Japanese, but they teach me their culture and give me new perspectives. It’s a great experience for me. 

I also volunteer at the local international center.  I’m teaching Japanese there for people who live in Japan for work. Through these experiences, I got interested in working as a Japanese language teacher. I joined Japan Switch, and I’m happy to talk with many people from many countries!

What do you like about teaching Japanese?

I’m glad to see so many people having an interest in Japan and Japanese. I’ve been working on localization for marketing content-related IT products into Japanese. So I know that Japanese is a different and unique language and is not easy to learn. But even so, many people try to understand Japanese, and I truly appreciate their efforts, and I’d really like to be of some help to them.

I’m so happy if they learn something new in my lessons. It’s my pleasure to help them get a new understanding of something about Japan as well as the Japanese language. And I’m also happy to hear their stories about their countries, culture, experiences, favorite things or foods, and so on. This is what inspires me, and expands my vision!

How are your lessons?

Practical: I try to show you practical phrases and example sentences aligned with your background. 

Visual: As they say, a picture is worth a thousand words. I try to use visual content including pictures and slides to help your understanding and to practice making simple sentences. 

With your own words: You can master Japanese phrases only after you speak them in your own words. After learning phrases from the textbook, I try to put time into speaking without a textbook or by using some illustrations.

Make mistakes: We can learn by making mistakes. Just speak Japanese. Please take your time. I’d be happy to give you advice and make practical phrases with you.

What are your hobbies?

I love traveling and also love to plan my travels. It has become hard to travel anywhere, so I enjoy the scenery in various countries (of course, including Japan) on the Web. I really hope I can see these sceneries in person in the near future. Besides traveling, I love green scenery such as forests, parks, gardens, and flowers. I enjoy growing plants at home. I’m interested in modern digital arts and historical architecture. 

What are your hobbies? I’d love to hear about your hobbies in my class!

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