
Hayashi Sensei

Ueno/Akihabara Japanese Teacher

Branch: Ueno/Akihabara Language School
Lessons: Group and Private Lessons

"My friends often say that they feel comfortable speaking freely and openly about anything with me and I want my students to feel the same way. "

Why did you become a Japanese teacher?

The reason I became a Japanese teacher is a bit of an embarrassing story from when I studied abroad in America. My friend asked me to teach her Japanese, but even though I am Japanese, I had no idea how to teach her. I was so disappointed in myself. When I returned to Japan,  I started teaching Japanese to some of my classmates at university and I really enjoyed it, so I decided to become a Japanese teacher!

What do you like about teaching Japanese?

Often, my students ask me questions about Japan or Japanese that I had never considered before. It makes me rethink my view of myself, my country, and my language. I really love it! Also, I am a language learner myself in English and Korean, so I understand the struggles of learning a foreign language and know it can be intimidating. So, I want to help build my students’ confidence using Japanese and have fun learning along the way.

How are your lessons?

I think I am a good listener, so I want my students to speak as much as possible in my lessons. That is the best way to learn, even if you make mistakes. My friends often say that they feel comfortable speaking freely and openly about anything with me and I want my students to feel the same way. I look forward to hearing from you about anything you want to talk about! Let’s practice and use the phrases you learned in class so you can make them your own!

What are your hobbies?

My hobbies are eating delicious food, hanging out with friends, glamping, snowboarding, watching anime, traveling, and watching movies. I recently got addicted to SPY×FAMILY and Blue Rock (soccer anime). If you know it too, please let me know! Who is your favorite character?

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